

cherry salsa awesome

cherry salsa, sounds a bit unusual right?  

its seriously amazing.  even my husband who is a salsa purist enjoyed it.  and the deep red color with the green cilantro is so pleasing to the eye.  plus its a healthy snack right?  do it!

my new friend Sarah sent this recipe to me raving how wonderful it was.  and cherries just happen to be in abundance at our local farmers market.  no excuse, I had to try it.  and couldn't be more pleased.

I am not a food blog {but I do absolutely LOVE to eat},  so I apologize for my lack of measuring. 

add to taste
fresh cherries.  pitted and roughly chopped.  I did about two cups-ish
garlic.  finely chopped.  I used two large cloves  
jalepeno. finely chopped.  I did just a little
cilantro.  roughly chopped.  I did about a half cup - love the stuff!
fresh lime juice.  used 1 lime
cumin.  a few dashes 
chili pepper.  again a few dashes
optional: cayenne.

then get some good tortilla chips and dig in.  and in.  and in.  

this would be perfect to bring to the next party.  packaged up in a big mason jar with that color!  I meant to do this just so I could take a picture of this jeweled loveliness but I ate it too quickly.  we enjoyed this again in our backyard on the first night of summer.  so perfect.  thanks Sarah!  

cherry season is here so hurry up already.  and tell me if you love it.

happy tuesday.


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