

what i wore {so very casual}

here is my dress that is sweats that is a dress.  what it lacks in figure flattering ability it makes up for in comfort.  I try not to own too many pieces like this, its just so tempting to wear them all the time.

and of course the perfect mustard colored headband for pre-fall.

outfit #1 - pure mommy day

dress - fluxus, Queen Anne Dispatch
belt - Zara.com
shoes - 80%20, Karmaloop.com {kind of old}
headband - Lucia K. Leah

goodness my outfit is quite lacking for this post.  its just been a couple weeks of end-of-summer-madness.  do you know what I mean?  we just got back from a road trip to my hometown in Montana, the only place my husband and I can truly truly relax.  it was the perfect way to end the summer. 

now I feel like its time to hit the ground running.

and I feel change is coming, the leaves are falling and the sweaters and boots and tights are being dusted off right?  ok maybe a little bit premature but pumpkin spice lattes have already arrived.

thank you for bearing with me these last lazy comfort days.

linking up with Pleated Poppy today for what i wore.

happy wednesday.



  1. your headband is the cutest and the doors behind you are amazing!

  2. The shoes may be old, but they're super cute.

    Stopping by from WIWW.. Happy Saturday!
