

My Frugal February, and a heart garland DIY

heart decorations

So to start (but don't forget to read the end of the post, that part's good too)...

100% I am a sucker for love.  and hearts.

And we have been slowly unpacking and decorating, and honestly our lamp shades did not fair well the last few months being stuffed in boxes, yes indeed a few months without lampshades, and I find lamps extremely challenging to begin with.  I can coordinate shoes and outfits with the best of them - in my humble opinion - but put me on decorating duty.  It does not come easy.  Add to it that it's been dark A LOT these last few months, so I have been joking not joking to my husband that I was going to hang all our patio bistro lights all across the ceiling in our living room.

You know, to create ambiance.

Enter Fairy Lights.  and Pipe Cleaners.  and Frugal February.

So this is my attempt to share with you all my super easy, relatively inexpensive, DIY Heart Garland.  (can I just say that taking pictures of my house it very hard, too much critiquing and not enough celebrating, more on that at the end of the post.)

What you need:  Fairy Lights and Pipe Cleaners.

Before we start this is overall how I shaped my hearts, hooking the top together.

Step 1.  Make a "V" with little hooks on top.

Step 2: Wrap the fairy light wire gently around the pipe cleaner, then bring the hooks together and form the heart.

Make as few or as many as you'd like.  I prefer not to measure.  You know, it's organic.
DIY heart garland

Fairy Light Garland

And then hang them till your hearts content.
starry night heart lights

Valentine Decor

A note on February, and what being frugal means to me:

Focusing on all that I have, not what I don't.

Celebrating Love, in all forms, giving more than we receive - only to be filled up tenfold in other ways.

Celebrating small details.

Of course this also means being mindful of our finances and perhaps saying no to things we might normally indulge ourselves, and the food budget thing that I am following Jimin's lead on.  This is a bit ironic considering we have a holiday, a double birthday celebration and a vacation this month.

But I'm up for the challenge, and the change in perspective.  And to get creative.  I have a lot of ideas for my blog - a few DIYs, also ways that I am celebrating Love, restyling outfits that I already own - giving them new life....

And would love for you to join me and share your thoughts!  One of the biggest gifts is community.

And just because we all need inspo, and perhaps pipe cleaner creativity isn't your thing, thanks for reading to the end, aren't these just lovely, those striped pipe cleaners, and "let's cuddle" and little red mushrooms, darling darling garland...


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