

Secret Stairs, Gray Hairs, and Flares (you can't plan this stuff people.)

As you can imagine with a giant hill in the city, we have a lot of stairs around our neighborhood.  The best part is that they are often tucked away amongst neighborhood blocks and secret parks with architectural details of the past, having been built long ago.  There are over 100 different public stairs, including the oldest in the city, in my neighborhood.  Talk about a work out.  

You can even go an adventure using this map as your guide.  I just love this stuff.  Secret Stairs that lead to...

Funny thing is despite the MAJOR amount of gray hair I have taking over my head, this angle from above is rather flattering.  But really, the gray!  Anyone else??  It wouldn't be so bad if they would behave themselves, but their pose of choice is straight up and crazy.  

This does not help my battle of the frizz, or the fact that when it comes to hair appointments I prefer low maintenance.

At least color tames them temporarily.

What else...gray and brown is a favorite color combo for me right now.  Think you can't mix?  Oh yes you can!  Warm and cool tones totally go together if you want them to.  and flares, well obviously love.

jacket - Queen Anne Dispatch.  old
tunic - Queen Anne Dispatch.  old
jeans - Mavi, Queen Anne Dispatch.  Also here.
earrings - Lucia K. Jewelry
watch - Kate Spade, Nordstrom
bracelet - Lucia K. Jewelry

Claim an adventure today and take the stairs.

Photos by Jessica.

Happy Humday.

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