

Green Beauty Files. Naked Truth Beauty

green beauty makeup

About 3 years ago I became very intentional with my makeup and skincare routine, cutting out toxins and chemicals as best I could.  It became important to me, with a lot of grace in the journey, to at least give it a try.  But I was pleasantly surprised not only with the improvement of my skin but also the products and companies I found.

And I really haven't looked back.

My skin has been so much happier.  I rarely break out.  Go figure of course as I am writing this I have.  Keeping it real, thanks skin.  But it used to be rare to NOT have blemishes.  Dare I say my skin is even more glowing?  I'm going with that.

SO since I write a blog, it's about time that I share some of these rad green beauty companies that I am loving.

naked truth beauty

First up.  Naked Truth Beauty.  If I'm putting makeup on, 90% of the time it includes at least one of these products.  In a company - it's everything I want...made locally in Washington, by a darling mom who is working to make her dream a reality.  Her products are made in small batches, using sustainable, simple ingredients.  Even her packaging is made from recycled materials and is recyclable.

And then, because it's makeup - the deciding factor is the results.  And it's a decided yes.

So what products do I use??  let me count the ways...

curly girl method
lips - Carrie.  cheeks - Arrikis.  eyes and cheek highlights - Lumos.

Lumos - a highlighter I use all the time, and rightfully named after Harry Potter, for my eyelids when I want to keep it simple, my upper cheek bones, eyebrow bones...basically anywhere you want to add a touch of highlight.

Little Town - its technically for lids, and I love this color for that, it works so well with my eye color.  I also occasionally wear it on my lips.

Arrakis - my new favorite!  it's a warmer coppery color, I love it on my lids, my cheeks, my lips.

Wednesdays - a bright berry color for lips and cheeks.  I often carry this one in my purse for a quick blush and lip pick me up.  In full action here.

Carrie - deep moody red wine, a light swipe for a bit of color, or I build it up for that perfect fall glam effect.

And because this just makes me laugh, a few outtakes.  I was determined to get a real picture, an action shot, not just holding the product and smiling.  Well now I understand why you don't necessarily take actions shots while doing makeup, or for sure you make sure to involve a professional...

Thank you for continuing to read along.  Sometimes it just takes me 4 days to write a simple post, I appreciate you still visiting my blog.


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