

About The Trees. Paper Culture Holiday Cards.

paper culture christmas cards

Does anyone else do this?  I start the Christmas card journey and I get so engulfed in all the pretty cards that 20 designs later I'm in a card spiral and I've forgotten that I was planning on going to bed early.  Black and white photos or color?...eye contact or candid?...Just the boys or all of us... With so many stylish designs this is definitely one problem that Paper Culture does not help alleviate.

This is when I call in my husband, the closer.

What Paper Culture does help with is easing my mind on the impact we are having on the environment, holiday cards definitely included.  Their mission is to offset the carbon footprint they create, planting a tree with every order.  They also use post-consumer waste and wood alternatives to make their cards, like bamboo.

This is a big deal in our household.

Because TREES are a big deal in our home.  Not just because WE (yep not just me for once folks) get emotional when they cut down the last tree in The Lorax.  They are my boys favorite climbing place.  Our summer adventuring place.  The light filtering through the trees in the forest is truly magical and beneath the trees is our preferred camping place.  And pretty much this entire fall I gasped "oh my gosh so pretty" at least 20 times a day at all the changing leaves.  Go ahead, ask my kids, they will gladly tell you how obsessed *insert the most loving eyeroll* their mom was with fall foliage.

Did you know that one mature tree produces enough oxygen to support a couple for a year, and one tree absorbs as much carbon dioxide as a car produces driving 26,000 miles.  Wow mother nature is so dang amazing.

Paper Culture has been certified as a Top 10 Climate Leader and is certified as a Green Business.  I just think that's so powerful.  Holiday Card no brainer.

I should also mention that they are having a MAJOR SALE through Nov 27th, 50% off all card designs.  Early bird gets the worm.  AND the Tree.  So what are you waiting for?

Now if I could just make a decision...


Photos by Annie Graebner Photography.  (wait till I share the rest SO GOOD)

Thank you to Paper Culture for partnering with me on this post.

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