

Holiday Traditions That Grow With Us.

Pretty sure it went down like this...

"Santa, you've got to help us, please PLEASE can we have a cat?  
Our parents won't get us one, YOU are our ONLY hope."

Every year Christmas looks a little bit different as every year my boys are 365 days older.

The year before they asked Santa for Star Wars Legos, the year before that similar.  When they were only learning to talk it was "Thomas the Twain."

As each holiday season approaches it's hard for me to imagine the magic that will unfold as they get older.  Why do they have to keep getting older??

But I know it's there, as long as we make space, and really as the mom of this tribe, it's me needing to make space.  As long as I can pause and look away from my to-do list and messy house to NOT MISS it.  Anyone else like this?  Not entirely sure my Christmas cards are going to get mailed on time this year.  That's ok.  Breathe in breathe out, that's ok.  What's not ok is missing the opportunities to be together as a family and make memories.

So this year we decided to start our holiday traditions with the Macy's Holiday Parade.

The magic WAS there.  Here are the moments I will remember...

...the boys so excited for their Yiaya to come with us, she is always the guest of honor in their eyes, I LOVE that.  Hot cocoa to kick it off, with no one spilling!  not even me.  The WONDER in Peyton's eyes as the stars approached and the parade began.  The joy of giving every person they could a high 5.  The fascination they had with the marching bands.  Riese is starting the flute this year, so all of a sudden this part of the parade takes on an entirely new meaning.  For me, the bag pipes, always the point when I can't help but cry, and the magic of being in downtown Seattle with all the festive sparkling lights and decorations.

Macy's goes to the nines for the holidays.  From every detail in their annual train window display to their Make A Wish Santa letter writing station - for how much effort it takes me just to get dinner on the table, I am so grateful that all we have to do is just show up.  Imagine...the most effort being ordering your favorite holiday beverage to enjoy while you walk around soaking up all the Christmas wonder.   I think everyone should add this to their holiday tradition list.

And you know bake sugar cookies from scratch, and adopt-a-family for presents.  Also musts.  But this one - so much easier.  See what I mean?

This mama's heart was filled, and my boys left chatting away about all the different marching bands, not an utter of video game strategy to be heard.  Nailed it.

Thank you for reading,

The post was sponsored by Macy's.

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