

The Pantsuit: A Best Kept Fashion Secret.

My strong suite.  A 4-way styled series with Traffic People & What Jenn Wore.

Things that make me look WAY more put together than you are...

dinner in a crockpot.  a stylish hat.  a chilled bottle of champagne in the fridge.  root powder.  orange lipstick.  pantsuits.

Pantsuits are currently one of the favorite items in my closet.  It's versatile - is it one, is it two, top/bottom, just a bottom, and now just a top... and interesting - every time I wear a pantsuit people comment on how much they love my outfit.  Somehow I seem WAY more put together than I actually am.  You see, a pantsuit takes NO TIME at all, you don't have to think about it, just put it on because it already matches.  It's like a dress.  But better because if the mood strikes you, you can separate them into other pairings.  And do cartwheels if you want to.  I'll pass, vertigo.  It's just the best fashion hack.  Although what does that actually mean?  I don't think I totally get the meaning of a "hack."  I'm gonna go with fashion secret...but it's not really a secret either.

After this shoot I went home and changed into sneakers and threw on a jean jacket and went to school pickup.  I know - I should have photographed it, but sometimes you just have to take my word for it, I can't document it all folks.

Don't you worry though I did take plenty of other photos, to demonstrate the rad versatility and style of this pantsuit, Jenn and I are going to share 4 ways we are styling this set on our blogs this week.  This pantsuit is by Traffic People.  If you don't know this brand, it's worth noting.  Several of my favorite pieces on current rotation are from Traffic People...this one, this one, & this one, which is also this one.  You can find this line at Queen Anne Dispatch, you can also order directly from their website.

This line originates in London, I love the vintage style mixed with street trends, bright bold prints and contemporary details.  In particular the details of this pantsuit immediately caught my eye...the bold bird print, high waisted pants with pockets, and slightly fluttered sleeves. 

shoes - oldies.
earrings, turquoise ring, gold necklaces - Queen Anne Frame & Gift

head on over to Jenn's blog to see her suit styling.  And check back in throughout the week - there is more goodness to come.


photos by SWolfe.

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