

For The Fairy Princess In All Of Us.

DIY floral crowns using pipe cleaners.  Genius.  

This is the kind of DIY activity for anyone young at heart.  It's beautiful, fun, easy to do in groups while gathered around a table.  And YES anyone can wear a crown.  

Think about your next event...baby showers, bridal showers for sure, book club, cocktail club (if anyone wants to start one of these I'm totally in.), just because, summer solstice...ooh what about a holiday brunch - I mean why should warm weather have all the fun??

Recently Jenn and I hosted an afternoon at Pacific Place, the theme was a Spring Pop-Up and the plan was to make floral crowns. (if you live in the Seattle area, you can follow Pacific Place to see their upcoming events)  Having made them in the past, I was a little hesitant at how this was going to go down with 50 people in attendance, thankfully Holly Yee Floral had a plan.  And it was brilliant.

The brilliant piece was the headband that your start with, Holly had woven two pipe cleaners together to create the long headband base.  Because it was pipe cleaners it was soft and comfortable against the head but sturdy enough to hold up to the weight of flowers, and flexible.  You guys isn't that so smart??

The second brilliant piece was making small bouquets of flowers and greenery, about 7 total BEFORE you start attaching, this way you have all your flowers ready to go before you start wiring.   So the middle bouquets will be the front of your crown.  Holly chose a wonderful assortment of flowers...carnations and roses, billy balls, freesia, wax flowers, mums, eucalyptus, asparagus ferns...really any flowers that you can gather into small bouquets will work, and in my opinion the more greenery the better.  Do your research and choose flowers that can hold up to being outside of water for a long time.

Once you have your 7 bouquets ready, start at one end of the woven pipe cleaner headband, leaving at least an inch to tie the ribbon to, and begin wiring the flower bunches at the stems using floral wire.  Make sure that the blooms are nearest the end of the pipe cleaners, so when you add the next bouquet you are slightly layering it over the stems of the previous bouquet.  Do them all in the same direction.  Make sense?  Hold your mini bouquet all together against the pipe cleaner and wrap round and round - you don't need to worry about weaving the wire through the holes of the pipe cleaner, simply wrap the wire tight around the flower stems/pipe cleaners a few times till it feels securely attached and then grab the next bouquet and continue the wrapping process.

When you have reached near the other end of the pipe cleaner you are done.  You can always add a few extra pieces to hide the end of the stem, or just role with it - stems are pretty too.  Attach ribbon to both ends, place the crown on your head and tie it.  Done!

Bonus, this thoughtfully planned DIY makes any gathering more beautiful with flowers everywhere, and the best part is how different everyone's crowns will be, yet all equally lovely, and the instant the crown is placed on an individuals head, their eyes will sparkle.  You can't help it. 

if you make these crowns I would LOVE to know!  email me (kirsty@luciakjewelry.com) or tag me (@thekirstyfiles) in your post, it will make my day!!

photos by Saskia


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