

Rain Rain Go Away, But Actually Stay This One Time Please.

Today was the FIRST day back to school since a half day last Friday, the week of which we only actually had two days total of school, and - stay with me here folks - we are about to have 9 days off.  SO that means in 3 weeks we will have had 3.5days of school.  SO as rain started to fall today, I started to have heart palpitations thinking I saw snow flakes - turns out it was just flying off the truck in front of me on the freeway.

I love my kiddos, I love spending time with my boys.  It's just A LOT harder when there is a to-do list and agenda that was not accounted for when plans changed.

All this to say, as it poured rain today, and I breathed a sigh of relief, it's about time I share this raincoat.  I firmly believe fashion and function does exist, and there is definitely a place for function in fashion, especially in motherhood.  We schlep our crew around in ALL elements, so why not find a rain jacket that keeps you dry and that you feel great putting on.

Designer and Founder Wendy currently lives in Seattle, not much better place to be inspired by rain.  The water repellant fabric used for Feller Raincoats is made from traditional British waxed cotton fabric and made in the USA.  Feller also gives back to the Seattle Humane Society, a place that has become near and dear to my family as the newest furry member of our family, Gilligan, or as my son has decided Gilligen, has entered our life, rescued by the Humane Society.

raincoat - Feller c/o
see more outfit details here.

thank you for reading.  Do you think it should be Gilligan or Gilligen?

Happy Friday!


Photos by Sarah.


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