Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I'd like to think that this blog is an attempt to share my style and mom experiences to inspire woman to invest more in themselves, to feel confident and know that they are beautiful. Celebrate the every day moments and be in community. Live courageously, live creatively and always wear great shoes. And if you have curly hair, stop straightening it. (Just please stop.)
I'm quite opinionated about food. I almost always have a bottle of champagne chilled (unless I've just drank it) and good cheese in the fridge. So who's coming over?
I love adventuring with my family. Whenever possible we try to sneak away to breathe deep in the mountains or escape to dream at the beach.
I think the most used word on my blog is Love, the second probably Oversized. This blog is a bit of my journey and adventure in fashion and life.
Besides blogging, I'm also a shop owner and jewelry designer. The proudest hats I wear are wife and mom, there's no place I'd rather be on a Friday night than watching a movie in my pjs, eating homemade pizza and popcorn popped in my grandma's cast iron kettle with my tribe.