
Festive Fashion {no. 3}

One of the best parts about working as a team is that it's two different people with differing ideas, styles, thoughts, concepts, etc. It is so fun to collaborate with someone else who has a different eye than you! This is why KP (as I like to call her) and I have so much fun working together!

Here is her (much more stylish) version of the Christmas Parade/Tree Lighting outfit. How perfectly those earrings pair for the winter season!

here's the skinny on the goods:
Brittany's fabulous Swarovski crystal earrings // Kelsi dagger fanetta in black // anthropologie coat // gloves by elde {via etsy} // seven for all mankind "roxanne" skinny jeans

Have you been out to a Christmas Parade? Did your outfit include Lucia K.? Send us pics!

enjoy the festivities!
ali {for lucia k.}